Many people find it hard to grasp the main principle in life. They all want to excel in everything they do; in work, in studies, in sports, in games even in love. Most will aim for an A in whatever they have devoted themselves to, be it studies or work, but how many actually aim for an A in life? No matter how successful one can be in their work place or in their studies, if they have no purpose in life, everything is meaningless. What is the point of gaining all the money you can, all the A’s in all of the subjects you are studying, but do not have a true purpose that you are actually living for? One may say that money is their purpose in life, but how long can it last? Material things fade away, and when they fade away, what else is there to live on for? One will end up moving from things to things, items to items, people to people to search for that one thing that can keep them living on this earth with enough reasons. What good will these bring them then? Where will they go from there? A true purpose in life is when everything is stripped off a person, and he or she still lives on with a satisfied heart, knowing that he or she has enough reasons to live a fulfilled life.
Have you found a true purpose in life?