Friday, June 02, 2006

Will good things last?

Shining stars in the sky,
Glowing worms in the cave,
Both of great beauty ever bright,
Fade away all in a night.

Good things come and go like the wind, appreciate and enjoy them while you can, but God's love is overwhelming and long lasting, infact forever. Good things do last for awhile, but if we appreciate them, they'll remain forever in our memory and our hearts. As the same with God's love; if we accept it, its forever ours, the only difference is, good things come and go like the wind, they wait not for you, they spare not your moments, you missed it, your business, but God's love move like the time, it follows you as you journey through life-the greatest gift of all, which existed before the creation of heaven and earth, and would last for eternity...

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